The History of Baringin Sakti Silat


Editors note

This Article was submitted to me By Pendekar Dedy Irwawan and the team Baringin Sakti Silat Indonesia.


Birth of Ps Baringin Sakti

Abu Zahar, a young man from the city of Padang, West Sumatra had much martial arts talent. Luckily when he was young,  Abu Zahar was also able to forge his talent by studying martial arts with many teachers. No less than 49 mentor teachers so that he became skilled at playing moves from various styles such as old silat, pauh limo, kumango lintau, sterlak, shadow, pakih myopic, and so on. For decades he studied various styles of silat in West Sumatra.

In 1951 H. Abu Zahar Moved to Jakarta, intending to spread his martial arts knowledge. Unfortunately, the time was not right, and he returned to Padang. After several years of living in Padang, the Rebellion of the Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PRRI) / People’s Struggle of the Universe (Permesta) broke out. At that time, H. Abu Zahar’s hometown had already established a Pencak Silat College, named the Baringin Sakti Silat College (PS), on May 25, 1955.


After the PRRI/Permesta rebellion, the situation and conditions, then H. Abu Zahar decided to move to Jakarta. In the nation’s capital, he met his old friends, Hassan Jago, Nurman Sakti, Umar Machtub (Lt. Col. AL), and GMS Lebe. From this meeting, the idea was born to develop Baringin Sakti PS(Pencak Silat), in Jakarta.

Two years later, around 1963, PS Baringin Sakti became famous with the contributions of Umar Machtub and GMS Lebe, thus encouraging H. Abu Zahar to further expand the network of martial arts schools. The three figures were nicknamed the “Baringin Sakti Trio”.

In the early days of PS Baringin Sakti H. Abu Zahar opened classes in a number of places in Jakarta. In 1964 PS Baringin Sakti began to be taught at school campuses. Initially opened for training at the University of Indonesia (UI), after successfully transmitting silat to UI students, and by the initiative of students a branch of the Baringin Sakti PS was also opened at the Indonesian Christian University (UKI) Jakarta around 1965, and Padjadjaran University (UNPAD) in Bandung and the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in the early 1970s. Around 1970, training in silat Baringin Sakti began to be held in secondary schools (junior high and high schools) to educate young people to love the nation’s culture.

In subsequent developments, silat Baringin Sakti also attracted a number of high-ranking military officers. Lt. Gen. Prabowo Subianto, Major General Ismet Huzairi, and Major General Ampi Tanuwijaya were also interested in studying it. So around 1988,  Baringin Sakti martial arts training began at Battalion 328, Kujang, in Cilodong, Bogor, West Java.






In 1974 H. Abu Zahar had expressed his hope that the Baringin Sakti silat could develop overseas. This dream was expressed at the Pegangsaan Timur 17 UI Dormitory, Jakarta. At that time, GMS Lebe and Umar Machtub were also present.

  1. Abu Zahar’s dream for Baringin Sakti to go international was practically not easy for Edward Lebe when he started introducing Baringin Sakti in the United States, around 1992. He was willing to put his body to the test by a number of people, in order to prove that Baringin Sakti’s martial arts deserved acceptance in all countries, parallel to other types of martial arts.

Edward Lebe’s efforts to spread Minang martial arts were not in vain. Currently, several PS Baringin Sakti branches are active, including in the USA and France

After returning to their it’s, PS Baringin Sakti began to develop in schools in Jakarta, especially since 2010. Baringin Sakti in Indonesia is led by Dedy Irawan, who has so far spread to several regions in Indonesia, including DKI Jakarta, Bogor (West Java) ), Tangerang (Banten), Makasar (South Sulawesi), Ambon (Maluku), Bangka Belitung.


Today’s Baringin Sakti Silat is more comprehensive than before according to the IPSI definition, namely Pencak Silat as a sport, martial arts, art, and mental-spiritual. Dedy Irawan developed the Baringin Sakti silat’s sport element, while Edward Lebe developed its martial element. Elements of traditional arts continue to enrich the sports element, and aspects of spiritual development are associated with traditional religious activities.

This process of development and modernization brought significant changes also at the level of the ritual order, Edward Lebe currently no longer requires students to bring betel and other equipment or perform certain rituals. He places silat as a science and a form of exercise that can be learned by children to adults. If the prospective student has good intentions and is diligent.

This decision was also based on the fact that introducing traditional silat, especially in schools, is not always easy because there is still a strong perception that Pencak Silat has mystical and magical overtones. Traditional Silat is still connected with invulnerability. Dedy Irawan saw how difficult it was when he first introduced Minang Silat. He was diligent and patient to socialize with the art. He visited schools to convince teachers and parents that Baringin Sakti is purely a sport for health and achievement.














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  • Banyan Tree

The banyan tree has a strong trunk to lean on, branches to depend on, roots to stand on or stand firm on, and its shade makes one feel protected. The image of a banyan tree in the middle represents a shelter, which means that this college can protect anyone who is on the path of truth.

  • Eight Feet

The image of eight legs circular in a clockwise direction represents a spinning kick or baliang kick which is one of the hallmarks of the Baringin Sakti silat. The number of eight feet shows the eight directions of the compass, while the clockwise represents truth.

  • The Four Points

The image of the four trees on the banyan leaf symbolizes the three founders and a successor of Ps Baringin Sakti, namely H. Abu Zahar, GMS Lebe, Umar Machtub, and Edward Lebe.

  • Six Roots

The six root images show the six Minangkabau silat styles that underlie the creation of the Baringin Sakti silat movements, namely Silek Tuo, Kumango, Sitaralak, Pauh, Lintau, and Bayang.

  • Black

Represents confidence and fortitude

  • Yellow

Meaning wisdom and authority

  • Two Stars

The star images on the right and left depict the basis or principle of being a state, namely Pancasila

  • Chain

The chain image symbolizes sports

About Mark Warner 40 Articles
Tashi Mark Warner has trained in the martial arts for almost 50 years. In the early 70s, inspired by the likes of Bruce Lee, Tashi Mark started in Kenpo Karate under Richard Ladow. After serving in the US Army, traveling twice to Korea and once to Germany, Tashi Mark found inspiration in the JCVD movie Bloodsport and decided to one day open his own school. On April 8th 1998, his passion project was finally achieved and the doors finally opened. As Tashi Mark likes to say, "If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life." Also in 1998, Tashi Mark started training Northern Mantis Kung Fu and Shaolin Kung Fu with Sifu Scott Jeffery. In 1999 Tashi Deborah Mahoney, training with Tashi Mark, became the Black Belt Hall of Fame recipient for the KRANE rating to include all of New England. Since 2007, Tashi Mark has furthered his training, adding Dekiti Tirsia Siradas Kali with Grandmaster Jerson "Nene" Tortal, as well as Baringin Sakti Silat with Grandmaster Edward Lebe. Tashi Mark is a full-time martial artist. "One of the greatest things in the martial arts is the transmission of knowledge to the next generation." - Tashi Mark Warner

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