WARNING: Positivity Is Highly Contagious
This weekly post highlights positivity in the martial arts from around the world. Unfortunately, it is far too easy to find negative stories on the internet. Positive ones, however, are harder to find. Let’s recognize and celebrate those martial artists and schools who are doing good things in their communities, as well as, making great accomplishments.
You can see the last installment here.
Martial Arts Podcasts
Do you like martial arts? Do you like podcasts? If you answered yes to both, then you are in for a treat! The team at whistlekick recently launched a website to feature various martial arts podcasts. Click here to read about why the whistlekick team decided to create a home for all martial arts podcasts. If you want to discover martial arts podcasts, or would like to get your podcast featured on the site, then make sure to head on over to https://www.martialartspodcasts.com/ and check it out!
Topeka, Kansas, USA
As martial artists, we are aware of the fundamental benefits inherent in training in one of the various styles or systems. These benefits include greater strength and flexibility, stress relief, and improved overall health. Commonly, our friends and family do not understand why we do what we do. Sometimes, they look at us as if we were crazy. I lost count of how many times I’ve thought “If they would just give it a try…” Well, It looks like some out there are seeing the benefits of martial arts in a new light. Tai Chi is becoming more commonly recognized as a therapeutic practice. Read on about these cancer survivors, and how Tai Chi has helped them.
Richmond, California, USA
Powerlessness. When you have your first experience with that feeling, in any situation, it will change you. This might be when you have another person threatening you (bully, abusive lover or family member, etc.) and you know you can do virtually nothing about it except hope they don’t follow through with their verbal threats. Thankfully, there is this thing called martial arts that has been helping people to eliminate that feeling of powerlessness. Here we have the story of Omar Maldonado, who has not only turned it around, but also became a competition champion!
Amman, Jordan
Pivoting off of a point I made earlier, I want to see the martial arts continue to grow and spread. This is because I believe that even six months to a year of training can have a positive benefit on a person for the rest of their life. So I love to see articles that show the popularity of martial arts growing. This is happening in Jordan with Taekwondo after the results of the most recent Asian Games. Read on for more!
Owensboro, Kentucky, USA
Some people simply do martial arts for a while and then move on to another activity. Others, however, get bit by the martial arts bug. They become lifers, and maybe even open their own schools. It is highly likely that many of these school owners had not originally had this in their plans for their life. The same thing happened to the Coomes, a married couple who are both instructors at their own dojo.
Let’s start a discussion! Did any of these articles have an effect on you? Did they change the way you viewed a particular topic? Don’t be shy! Feel free to sound off!
If you know of any good examples of positivity in the martial arts, please let me know! You can contact me directly using the contact form right below this, or post in the comments section at the bottom of the page.
As always, embrace positivity, my brothers and sisters!
- Martial Journal Is Growing and Expanding! - August 21, 2019
- The Grandmaster Movie Review - August 3, 2019
- “Big Brother” Movie Review - July 19, 2019
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