Embrace Positivity
This semi-regular post will attempt to highlight positivity in the martial arts from around the world. Unfortunately, it is far too easy to find negative stories on the internet. Positive ones, however, are harder to find. Let’s recognize and celebrate those martial artists and schools who are doing good things in their communities, as well as, making great accomplishments.
If you are putting on any kind of event, workshop, or seminar, feel free to post it at http://www.martialartscalendar.com It can bring attention to your event and is free to use! Go ahead and check out the site to see what is going on in the coming months near you!
You can see the last installment here.
Timaru, New Zealand
A New Zealand man had his sights set on bringing home gold from China. David Thew, a Tai Chi practitioner, had won gold before and wanted to win more. He went to China for the World Kung Fu Championships in the 40-59 men’s category. While he “only” won silver in bare hand and sword, he remains committed to regaining the top spot next time. Congratulations and keep up the hard work!
Leeds, United Kingdom
There are few things in the world that can universally put a smile on a person’s face. Young children being impossibly adorable is one of those things. The cute factor goes even higher when the children are doing cute things in martial arts. Click the link if you want to see an adorable, 3-year-old girl recite the Taekwondo Creed with passion. I dare you to not smile!
Sioux City, Iowa, USA
Getting older is not slowing this instructor down. Mr. John Potash has been a Taekwondo practitioner for over three decades and has no plans to stop. He teaches students of various ages at the student center at Western Iowa Tech Community College. His students credit him with not only teaching them self-defense but also keeping class fun. Keep up the great work!
Barbados, West Indies
A local martial arts school just cleaned up big at the Pan Caribbean International Martial Arts Championships. Students from Jordan Hackett Kempo Karate School brought home a total of ten gold medals. The event was held in Trinidad and Tobago. In addition, this was the school’s first overseas competition. Kudo’s to your continued success and hard work!
Hamblen County, Tennessee, USA
A local deputy was recently rewarded for his determination and hard work. Hamblen County deputy Steven Haag has been studying Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu for twelve years. He recently earned his black belt. Mr. Haag credits his training for giving him peace of mind as a deputy on patrol, as well as being a corrections officer before that. He trains with his instructor, also an officer, in their gi’s and full uniforms. Congratulations Mr. Haag!
If you know of any good examples of positivity in the martial arts, please post them in the comments below!
As always, embrace positivity, my brothers and sisters!
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