Just Think About the Positivity
This semi-regular post will attempt to highlight positivity in the martial arts from around the world. Unfortunately, it is far too easy to find negative stories on the internet. Positive ones, however, are harder to find. Let’s recognize and celebrate those martial artists and schools who are doing good things in their communities, as well as, making great accomplishments. If you are putting on any kind of event, workshop, or seminar, feel free to post it at http://www.martialartscalendar.com It can bring attention to your event and is free to use!
You can see the last installment here.
Juneau, Alaska, USA
Two women were recently promoted at an International Shotokan Karate Federation testing. Stacey Poulson was promoted to Sandan, also known as a 3rd-degree black belt. Maraiya Gentili earned the rank of Nidan or 2nd-degree black belt. Both credit Shotokan with helping them to improve themselves, physically and mentally. Congratulations to the both of you on an impressive accomplishment!
Worth, Illinois, USA
Here we have a reader submission! In light of the recent hurricanes that have ravaged the Caribbean lately, there is widespread damage. With this in mind, the Sosei Aikido Kyokai dojo is holding a fundraiser to benefit the Shinyuukan Dojo in Puerto Rico which was devastated. The funds raised will assist in rebuilding the dojo.
Racine, Wisconsin, USA
A Karate studio has been instrumental in helping local area schools with fundraising. Black Belt Karate Studio of Racine has brought a new approach and improved fundraising efforts. Their four-week after-school karate program has been a very successful approach. Most notably, the schools, and their PTA, are able to keep 100% of the proceeds!
Moorhead, Minnesota, USA
The community of Moorhead just got a new martial arts studio. Alexis Potter is the head instructor at the new location of Moore’s Shou Shu Martial Arts. Shou Shu is a Chinese martial art that focuses on the movements of various animals. Ms. Potter says the focus there will be on self-defense and empowerment, not competition. Congratulations Ms. Potter on your new studio!
Aurora, Colorado, USA
17-year-old Issac Martin is facing a different kind of challenge than he’s used to. The 3rd-degree Taekwondo black belt was recently diagnosed with Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APML). Thankfully the prognosis is positive at this time, but the treatment could last eight months or more. He has been receiving a lot of support from his fellow students at his studio. Mr. Martin, we here at the Martial Journal wish you a fast and speedy recovery!
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Recently a would-be robber got more than he expected at the local IHOP. While attempting to nab the cash drawer out of the register, employee Elijah Arnold happened upon him. The robber had no clue Mr. Arnold was a 3rd-degree black belt. Mr. Arnold immediately went after the robber and tackled him. Mr. Arnold took a crowbar to the face during the confrontation and still held onto the robber’s leg until help arrived. Most notably, unlike similar instances of an employee stopping a robbery, Mr. Arnold has received nothing but praise for his swift action. Kudos to you Mr. Arnold for using quick thinking and action!
If you know of any examples of positivity in the martial arts, please post them in the comments below!
As always, embrace positivity, my brothers and sisters!
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