Keep Radiating Positivity!
This weekly post highlights positivity in the martial arts from around the world. Unfortunately, it is far too easy to find negative stories on the internet. Positive ones, however, are harder to find. Let’s recognize and celebrate those martial artists and schools who are doing good things in their communities, as well as, making great accomplishments.
You can see the last installment here.
Martial Arts Podcasts
Do you like martial arts? Do you like podcasts? If you answered yes to both, then you are in for a treat! The team at whistlekick recently launched a website to feature various martial arts podcasts. Click here to read about why the whistlekick team decided to create a home for all martial arts podcasts. If you want to discover martial arts podcasts, or would like to get your podcast featured on the site, then make sure to head on over to https://www.martialartspodcasts.com/ and check it out!
Madhya Pradesh, India
While women face the potential for sexual assault all over the world, there are areas that are worse than others. Unfortunately, India is one of those areas. The incidence rate for sexual assault in India is very high. It is even worse for those women with disabilities due to their reduced ability to fight back or speak out. There is hope though. Sightsavers is an international, non-governmental organization that provides assistance to those with vision loss. They started a program to provide Judo and self-defense training to these women. For Janki Goud, this access to martial arts has changed her life.
Katy, Texas, USA
Most martial arts schools or academies have expectations of their students. Of course, there are requirements for techniques, kata/forms, etc to get to the next belt. Many schools, however, have other expectations of their students, especially the kids. Some schools will withhold rank based on how the children are doing in school and at home. Many places do this to reinforce that the lessons taught on the mat are expected to be honored everywhere else. Sifu Brad Ryan is one of those instructors who maintain this level of expectation for his young students.
Stockton, California, USA
As martial artists, we are often searching for something. Competition, self-defense, camaraderie, to name but a few. Sometimes we may find it in the first place we start training at. For others, it may be the tenth place. Regardless, we will likely move around, again and again, until we find it. As a youth, Grandmaster Rene Latosa went in search of a suitable grandmaster to teach him. He discovered that what he was looking for was right under his nose the whole time.
Aiken, South Carolina, USA
Here’s a fun one. When you think of Fencing, what comes to mind? Two faceless opponents squaring off against each other in a linear fashion right? Despite the fact that Bruce Lee took some things from his time studying Fencing, it’s not a competition art that tends to get on prime time television. But what if we added lightsabers? Yes, I said lightsabers. Tony Negron has combined lightsabers with Fencing and is teaching this to students with great results. Yet more proof that it’s not what you do, but how you do it that matters!
Let’s start a discussion! Did any of these articles have an effect on you? Did they change the way you viewed a particular topic? Don’t be shy! Feel free to sound off!
If you know of any good examples of positivity in the martial arts, please let me know! You can contact me directly using the contact form right below this, or post in the comments section at the bottom of the page.
As always, embrace positivity, my brothers and sisters!
- Martial Journal Is Growing and Expanding! - August 21, 2019
- The Grandmaster Movie Review - August 3, 2019
- “Big Brother” Movie Review - July 19, 2019
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