Your Mission, Should You Choose To Accept It: Positivity
This weekly post highlights positivity in the martial arts from around the world. Unfortunately, it is far too easy to find negative stories on the internet. Positive ones, however, are harder to find. Let’s recognize and celebrate those martial artists and schools who are doing good things in their communities, as well as, making great accomplishments.
You can see the last installment here.
Martial Arts Podcasts
Do you like martial arts? Do you like podcasts? If you answered yes to both, then you are in for a treat! The team at whistlekick recently launched a website to feature various martial arts podcasts. Click here to read about why the whistlekick team decided to create a home for all martial arts podcasts. If you want to discover martial arts podcasts, or would like to get your podcast featured on the site, then make sure to head on over to https://www.martialartspodcasts.com/ and check it out!
Topeka, Kansas, USA
At some point in our lives, we will have to deal with difficult times. Whether they be health problems for us, for our loved ones, or financial hardships, we will all experience at least one of these. Truthfully, there is a high probability that we will experience all of them. Consequently, we will all either develop or utilize existing coping strategies. These strategies can be the development of friendships, social engagement, or physical activity. At the Cotton O’Neil Cancer Center, they have decided to use all three of those strategies through Tai Chi!
Lousiville, Kentucky, USA
We know all about the rewards of training in the martial arts. Increased strength, endurance, and speed. This, in addition to improvements in self-confidence, respect, and perseverance. Many, if not all of us, can tell stories of how our training has helped us throughout our lives. How many of us can say that our martial arts training has helped us at work? Has it ever gotten you a raise? Well, apparently the powers that be at Sam’s Club have taken a martial arts-inspired approach to their training, and each “belt” can get you a raise.
Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
Bullying has been a problem for children for a very long time. While we know that it can happen anywhere, we typically focus on it happening in the school setting. About half of the kids between 4th and 12th-grade experience bullying every month. This is why accomplished bullying author and Capoeira instructor, Chris Roel, holds a 4-day bullying seminar at the end of every month. Keep up the good work, Sir!
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
This one is more of a Public Service Announcement if you are an instructor or school-owner in the state of Massachusetts. Apparently, a law that was designed to stop human trafficking in the state, has been worded poorly and too broadly. It will require any practitioner who can fall under the term “bodywork therapist” to obtain state licensure. The law defines this term so broadly that it will affect instructors of Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and Yoga, among others. If this might affect you and your business, I encourage you to research this law and decide what course of action is correct for you.
Let’s start a discussion! Did any of these articles have an effect on you? Did they change the way you viewed a particular topic? Don’t be shy! Feel free to sound off!
If you know of any good examples of positivity in the martial arts, please let me know! You can contact me directly using the contact form right below this, or post in the comments section at the bottom of the page.
As always, embrace positivity, my brothers and sisters!
- Martial Journal Is Growing and Expanding! - August 21, 2019
- The Grandmaster Movie Review - August 3, 2019
- “Big Brother” Movie Review - July 19, 2019
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