The Weather Report Calls For Heavy Positivity
This semi-regular post will attempt to highlight positivity in the martial arts from around the world. Unfortunately, it is far too easy to find negative stories on the internet. Positive ones, however, are harder to find. Let’s recognize and celebrate those martial artists and schools who are doing good things in their communities, as well as, making great accomplishments.
You can see the last installment here.
Martial Arts Calendar
If you are putting on any kind of event, workshop, or seminar, feel free to post it at http://www.martialartscalendar.com It can bring attention to your event and is free to use! Go ahead and check out the site to see what is going on in the coming months near you!
Holland, Michigan, USA
Without living in a Buddhist Monastery, most of us have other facets of our lives beyond the martial arts. Many of us have significant others, family, children, jobs, and other responsibilities. You do not have to be a Buddhist to know that balancing these elements of our lives is important. Here we have the story of Teresa Piatek, a martial artist who works hard to keep everything in balance.
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
The loss of a loved one is never easy. When the loss comes unexpectedly and violently, that can be earth-shattering for those of us still here. Even when justice is served, we are still left trying to find a way to move forward carrying the void that their loss has left behind. I have experienced this firsthand, twice, and would never wish it upon anyone. The Vanessa T. Marcotte Foundation was created by those left behind to honor her memory and find a way forward. They work to educate women in self-defense and empowerment. They will be hosting a self-defense seminar on January 21st.
Hico, Texas, USA
Competition is a big part of a lot of martial arts schools across the world. Whether it is sparring, kata/forms, or weapons, many schools participate in various competitions. When preparing for a competition, participants typically put in more hours than usual training and honing their art. This makes winning the state championship all the more meaningful when the hard work pays off. Miss Taylor Jones recently experienced that kind of success. Congratulations!
Henry, West Virginia, USA
There are many quotes out there that ponder the meaning of life. For me, I have tried to hold to a simple philosophy that the journey is all that matters. This journey we all embark upon from birth can take very surprising turns that could never be predicted. My focus is to do the best I can to be able to look back and say “Not too shabby!” Here we have an article about Joe Gutowski, a martial artist that has lived, and continues to live, a very interesting life.
Alton, Illinois, USA
When people see the opening of a new business, they might not be aware of everything that led up to that moment. For any business owner, there are loans, marketing, leasing or purchasing a space, among many other considerations. For a martial arts business, there is also years of training involved. Recently, Adam Marburger realized his dream of opening his own studio and he has plans to hit the ground running!
If you know of any good examples of positivity in the martial arts, please post them in the comments below!
As always, embrace positivity, my brothers and sisters!
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