Six Freedoms of Martial Arts

Six Freedoms of Martial Arts

December 20, 2023 Jeremy Lesniak 1

Earlier in 2023, I rolled out my first draft of The Six Freedoms of Martial Arts as part of the whistlekick State of the Martial Arts live stream. Over the course of the year, I, and others within whistlekick, have found these freedoms to be core elements to what we [Read More]

What’s Up With Your Belt

December 18, 2023 Victor Guarino 0

“Where is your other belt?” This is a question one of my 9-year-old students asked me the first day I wore my plain black belt to teach class as opposed to the 5th dan belt I had been wearing. The very simple answer was that Karen (my wife and co-instructor) [Read More]

Breathing Training for Martial Artists – Part 2

December 4, 2023 Aaron Hoopes 0

This is the second part of a series on the study of breathing for Martial artists. In the first part – – I discussed the basics of abdominal breathing and how it is a practice to learn to use the lungs to their maximum capacity which can enhance all [Read More]

The Top 10 Traditional Karate Stylists in MMA

November 27, 2023 Mark Warner 0

MMA is obviously here to stay. This sport gives all martial arts the opportunity to showcase what they do best. Introduction Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is a dynamic and evolving combat sport that draws fighters from various martial arts backgrounds. While Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and wrestling have traditionally dominated the MMA [Read More]

Dreaming for a Fight

November 23, 2023 Brian Volek 0

  We spend almost a third of our life just sleeping. So why not make the most out of your sleep and make it more beneficial for your life? Sleep is more than a way to get back lost energy. With the help of lucid dreaming, one can experience things [Read More]

A Lifetime at the Nippon Budokan

November 16, 2023 Andries Pruim 0

A Lifetime at the Nippon Budokan The career of Nippon Budokan Secretary-General Hideo Yoshikawa Nippon Budokan‘s support of the martial arts The first time I decided to travel to Japan, it was 1991 and I was scared to say the least. I was travelling to the birthplace of Budo to [Read More]

Second Annual Never Settle Award Recipients Announced

November 14, 2023 StaciAnne Grove 1

On November 11, 2023 as part of the Martial Summit, whistleKick held the second annual Never Settle Awards banquet. Bringing martial arts students, school owners, friends, and family together to celebrate.  The Never Settle Awards are celebratory of the things we believe here at Martial Journal. Everyone would benefit from [Read More]


November 2, 2023 Barbara McCoy Carrier 0

How can we achieve exceptional results while remaining calm and doing the right thing? Why is this important in one’s martial arts training? Does it translate to more opportunities in life?   How many times, as coaches, athletes, and peers, have we had that conversation about having the confidence to [Read More]

Martial Arts Teacher-feature

Teaching Martial Virtues

October 23, 2023 Jonathan Snowiss 0

Before entering the training area, our virtues begin before the physical training without even knowing it. Depending on style, it’s the training uniform, the belt, bowing, the fist/palm salute…. Then our physical training starts with the basics: stances, punches, and kicks. The physical training transforms into the internal virtues that [Read More]

A, B and C Students

October 19, 2023 Matt Nather 0

Breakdown What are A, B and C Students? Every activity will have participants that fall into an A, B or C category. These categories carry across many platforms from school, to sports, to dance and even martial arts. We are going to break down what each of those are and [Read More]

How emotions effect fighters

October 9, 2023 Brian Volek 1

When pushed to extremes, humans can overcome amazing obstacles. Fueled by nothing but primal emotions, they gain the determination they didn’t have before. Emotions effect everything we do. The performance of martial artists are fueled by many different emotions for better and worse. Anger has shown to be both a [Read More]

In Martial Arts, Does Style Matter?

September 25, 2023 Matt Nather 0

  Is the Style of Martial Arts I Do Important? What style of martial arts do you train in? Is that relevant? I personally believe the idea of styles is dying out. I think there are much more important questions. Why are you training? What is it you are looking [Read More]