Modern Moms of Martial Arts

March 11, 2024 Jenni Nather 1

Being a Mom in the Martial Arts I give credit to Larry Davis for first sparking my interest in training martial arts. His show ‘n’ tell in fourth grade was his karate picture (he was doing a full center split!). Wow, did I think that was so cool! Of course, [Read More]

The Evolution of a Lifetime Sensei

March 3, 2024 Andries Pruim 1

Martial Arts Associations & Legitimacy Formal Introductions I had been training in Shotokan Karate for well over 20 years when I received an invitation to attend a small dojo in the suburbs of Vancouver, Canada. It was the early 1990 ’s and I had just returned from Japan, having trained at [Read More]

The Moss and The Grass

February 28, 2024 Jeff Hutchings 0

I’m a reader, and, as part of my dedication to Martial Arts, I like to hear what other people are saying and doing. I like hearing new bits of history and different takes on the philosophy and methods of teaching and training. In the Martial Arts world, we are fortunate [Read More]

What is Worth Fighting For?

February 25, 2024 Barbara McCoy Carrier 0

In theory, it may seem simple to listen to someone. In practice, it requires one to be humble and quiet in any internal dialogue, to be present in the moment, and to listen genuinely. Although it may be harder for some than others, it is essential to listen with kindness [Read More]

Muay Thai in MMA

Muay Thai: The SEA Style Forging Modern Fighters

February 19, 2024 Adam Green 0

Early days The early days of Mixed Martial Arts were a grappler’s playground. Wrestlers and BJJ wizards dominated the scene, leaving traditional martial arts, with their emphasis on striking, seemingly stranded on the fringes. But the martial arts landscape is an ever-shifting terrain, and tides have turned. More than just [Read More]

The Evolution of a Budo Banker

February 15, 2024 Andries Pruim 0

From Non-Traditional Karate To Traditional Karate To Business Karate   Corporate Career vs Personal Development I was sitting at my desk at the Main Branch of the Commercial Bank where I was recently promoted to an Assistant to the Commercial Lenders, trying to make sense of the pile of papers [Read More]

muay boran vs bokator

Muay Boran vs Bokator

February 12, 2024 Adam Green 0

Understanding the Differences between Bokator & MuayBoran   Exploring Bokator’s Legacy: Bokator, a treasured Cambodian martial art, carries a rich history fraught with adversity. Nearly wiped out during the Khmer Rouge era, it found resurgence under the tutelage of Grand Master San Kim Saen. Today, his school in Phnom Penh [Read More]

Kanji for Sensei

Sensei Jeff, Why Is That?

February 8, 2024 Jeff Hutchings 1

When I was walking out of the Dojo after my Sandan testing my head was full. I had already gotten my results and I was successful, but I had the same feelings that any sincerely dedicated Karate devotee would have: Where could I have done better? Did I scrape through [Read More]

Traditional Karate… Such a Modern Concept

February 1, 2024 Andries Pruim 1

I normally write almost exclusively about the business side of the martial arts industry and do so in order to stay out of the many controversies that make up the various styles and “ways” of the genre. I did write about my own personal martial arts evolution, which was not [Read More]

George St-Pierre ; MMA Legend and Traditional Martial Artist

January 29, 2024 Mark Warner 0

In the world of mixed martial arts (MMA), George St-Pierre, often referred to as GSP, stands as a shining example of how traditional martial arts can be seamlessly integrated into the modern sport of MMA. Throughout his illustrious career, St-Pierre showcased the effectiveness of traditional martial arts techniques, blending them [Read More]

Muay Thai Wai Kru

Choosing the Right Weight Class for Martial Arts

January 25, 2024 Adam Green 0

In traditional martial arts such as Muay Thai, Kun Khmer, Lethwei & other SEA disciplines, the decision to select the perfect weight class is not merely about numerical scales; it’s a profound exploration, akin to the essence of the martial discipline itself. Whether you are an experienced practitioner or a [Read More]

Interview with a Ukraine Dojo

January 8, 2024 Andries Pruim 0

A Frank Discussion with a Karate Dojo still Operating in the Ukraine Dojo training still a priority In one of my recent articles published by Black Belt Magazine, I interviewed the directors of a European based Shotokan Karate association, known as the WJKA, for an article on social media. During [Read More]

From The Editors Desk

January 7, 2024 Mark Warner 0

So here are more Sunday thoughts that I hope get shared with young and old. If we know it it is always good to review, just like the way we train, practice, practice, practice. So enjoy this short essay. Mark   Self-Control in the martial arts Self-control is a fundamental [Read More]

What is Your Contribution?

January 4, 2024 Jonathan Snowiss 0

As we change our calendars, and celebrate an arbitrary day as the new year, we ask what the future holds for us. We make plans to change, we have high hopes, and some like to discuss the doom and gloom of the future. This is just being human. So, Happy [Read More]

From trhe Editor: Etiquette in the martial Arts

January 1, 2024 Mark Warner 2

I wrote and posted this recently on several platforms and I wanted to share this with everyone so you all have the chance to share this with your students and friends. Etiquette plays a paramount role in traditional martial arts, transcending mere rituals to embody the essence of martial discipline, [Read More]

Martial Arts Income Opportunities

December 26, 2023 Andries Pruim 0

Is it possible to earn a respectable income from the Martial Arts without having to own a School. The Martial Arts many paths to success On my last visit to the Martial Arts SuperShow in Las Vegas, I attended the Financial Health Lecture put on by the Director of MAIA, [Read More]