It’s Never Too Late – A Martial Arts Journey

June 5, 2024 Pat Donnelly 1

Thirty-two years; that is how long it took me to enter my first martial arts tournament.  Now, there are plenty of people who enjoy long fulfilling lives in the martial arts and never once enter a tournament or complete, especially outside of their studio.  Where this became an issue for [Read More]

Favorite Martial Arts Memento

May 29, 2024 Andries Pruim 0

Favorite Mementos Over the past many decades of Martial Arts involvement, there really haven’t been too many physical items I could point to as something I treasure from my many days of budo training. Memories are one thing, but mementos are something completely separate. For this reason, I would categorize [Read More]

In The Beginning…….

May 19, 2024 Tim Spiess 0

Editors note I vividly recall the exhilaration of our early training in martial arts. Each session was a blend of excitement and challenge, pushing our limits and igniting our passion. The dojo was a haven where discipline met discovery, and every punch, kick, and kata was a step closer to [Read More]

Pondering Martial Arts Automation

May 12, 2024 Andries Pruim 0

(Budo AI) How Artificial Intelligence will affect The Martial Arts industry Time to Ponder  I have read about the new AI ChatGPT or what is now GPT-4.5 and it is obvious that the quality of the material that comes from this new paradigm will reduce (or even eliminate) the need [Read More]

Wong Fei Hung – The man, the myth, the legend

May 9, 2024 Mark Warner 2

Kung Fu Legend Wong Fei Hung Wong Fei Hung is a legendary figure in the pantheon of Chinese martial arts heroes. His life and exploits have transcended the boundaries of historical fact to become a cornerstone of folklore and popular culture. Born in 1847 in Foshan, Guangdong, China, and passing [Read More]

Writing for Martial Journal; From the Editor

April 29, 2024 Mark Warner 0

Writing for Martial Journal For any traditional martial artist or school owner, the opportunity to share their thoughts, experiences, and feelings about their craft in a publication like Martial Journal holds immense promise. It goes beyond mere exposure; it’s about legacy, connection, and the preservation of ancient wisdom. Firstly, appearing [Read More]

Katheryn Winnick: A Warrior on Screen and in Life

April 14, 2024 Mark Warner 0

  In the world of entertainment, Katheryn Winnick stands out as a true warrior both on and off-screen. Renowned for her roles in film and television, Winnick’s journey to success is as dynamic and compelling as the characters she portrays. However, what sets her apart is not just her acting [Read More]

The Evolution of a Tea Master

April 8, 2024 Andries Pruim 0

  From Budo to Chado Bunbu Ryodo – 文武両道 The beginning of a unique Budo Journey It was during my first trip to Japan where I originally met Randy Channell. He was a character larger than life. His intensity, his Japanese martial arts and cultural knowledge, and especially his ‘nominal’ expertise [Read More]

From the Editor Happy April Fools Day

April 1, 2024 Mark Warner 0

April Fools’ Day is my least favorite holiday, however in the spirit of all things humorous.   In the heart of the Arctic, where the frigid winds howl their lonesome ballad and icebergs dance a timeless waltz, there exists a small patch of land known as Hans Island. A mere [Read More]

Gamification of the Martial Arts

March 24, 2024 Andries Pruim 0

Leveraging Modern Gaming Strategies to Maximize Your School’s Curriculum Gamification of Personal Interactions I attended a Martial Arts seminar where the Lecturer mentioned how he had updated his school’s curriculum to create new Sparring Games or Martial Arts Games to provide more entertainment to the students, or as he put [Read More]

Photo by coolza on

A Sensei by Any Other Name

March 14, 2024 0

A Sensei by Any Other Name Martial Arts Teachers and Their Titles Chris Himmel   Martial arts instructors have long had a variety of titles associated with them. Depending on the school, style, and country of origin words like Sensei, Tashi, Shihan, Kyoshi, Hanshi, Sifu, Laoshi, and Sigung could be [Read More]