Interview with PG Brandon Ricketts of Kali Ilustrisimo conducted by Dean Franco.
1.) Please tell us about the early years of training with your father GM Ricketts and what he instilled in you as far as training.
I was exposed to martial arts at the age of 2 years old. My father would have me imitate him or my older brother as I would watch them train together. We would always have a kind of “trade-off” in my early years. He would let me play with my toys or watch cartoons as long as I was able to put in some time training.
What he instilled in me is that understanding the basics and fundamentals is very important in martial arts.
For those who don’t know, my father is one of the senior students of Tatang Ilustrisimo. He is also a very close training partner of the GM Tony Diego and PG Edgar Sulite. His empty-hand background consisted of karate and kung fu. In 1967 before being exposed to Ilustrisimo, my father had training in Mang Sciano Cleope’s Rapillon style who was a well-known eskrimador in the Quezon province. He was the training partner of his son, Edgar Cleope. He trained a little bit with Jimmy Gales whose arnis style is called Sphinx which focused on Centro Baston and susi grip. He also trained with Doc Lengson in the Arnis Federation of the Philippines style from 1973-1978.
2.)How much did your older brother play a role in your development in Kali Ilustrisimo?
My older brother was my main training partner and he instilled in me a mindset of what it is to always think outside the box and not get “stuck” in one movement.
3.) Did you enjoy the training at an early age?
One thing is for sure, I did not enjoy training back when I was younger. I just wanted to play around and watch cartoons but I’m glad my father forced me into training haha.
4.) What other influences have played a role in what we’re seeing today far as your Kali Ilustrisimo style or movement?
Influences of my KI style come from the different fighting styles I learned growing up. It ranges from boxing, sagasa, ngo cho kun, wrestling, and dancing.
5.) Boxing seems to be a major influence in the Ricketts faction please explain?
The reason why boxing became a major influence in the Ricetts’ lineage is because of the lightness of the footwork, how to angle out, and the proper use of body mechanics in the system. My father’s experience as a boxing trainer definitely paved the way for my foundation but It wasn’t until later on that my older brother’s understanding of the “sweet science” took it much deeper.
6.) When did you start teaching on your own and what was the initial experience like being younger than most of your students?
I started teaching on my own around 2010. My father had just passed away and my older brother moved back to the Philippines to open up a restaurant. I was just turning 17 years old at that time and it was definitely tough. I’m very appreciative of my students for having the patience and open-mindedness to learn from someone younger.
7.) Tell us about the San Diego school of Kali Ilustrisimo when you were heading it?
The San Diego school of KI was actually a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gym called Gracie Barra San Diego which was located in a street called Linda Vista Rd. It was a quick walk up to the University of San Diego. The owner of the gym, Dominic Parker is a black belt in BJJ and was a student of my father’s so he gave us the opportunity to teach at his gym during the weekends.
8.) You moved to the Philippines when and why?
I moved back to the Philippines in 2016. I was too distracted and I didn’t know what I wanted to do in life so my mom suggested I move back to finish school and help out in the restaurant business.
9.) Upon arrival did you begin to teach Kali Ilustrisimo?
No, I didn’t start teaching right away. I was a working student during that time so my day’s consisted of school, work, and teaching the hip-hop team since I had a dance scholarship.
10.) You initially started teaching online was that a means to get re-acclimated to teaching and establishing your father’s lineage?
Actually, I was already teaching a small group class that consisted of my cousin and a good friend of his. The online teaching was more of a means to get connected with people from different parts of the world who wanted to learn the art of Ilustrisimo.
11.) What factors led you to further propagate your father’s lineage to the public?
To be completely honest, I was okay with just teaching privately and preserving what my dad has taught me. But I give my thanks to FMA discussion creator Dean Franco for pushing me to bring my father’s faction to the public eye, his continuous support and my representatives Guro Jeff Cruz and Guro Viko Perrine for believing in me as to what I had to offer.
12.) You are one of the youngest leading a faction what have been the successes and challenges thus far?
As for successes, I’m glad that I have a steady following and it’s continuing to grow as time goes by. I’m slowly getting recognized and people are appreciating my approach to the Ilustrisimo system.
As for challenges, It’s just a matter of dealing with the haters who doubt my understanding of the Ilustrisimo system.
13.) Per my experience, you have a very open mind with respect to students with different backgrounds and body types when teaching. Please explain why that is important to you? What cultivated this maturity in you?
It’s important for me to adjust certain Ilustrisimo techniques because of the fact that not everyone can have the same body type as Tatang Ilustrisimo. I’ve come to accept that Ilustrisimo techniques were made for a taller person and so the majority of the techniques had to be modified to make it work for someone who is not the same height as the old man. If they have had prior martial arts training, I take that into consideration and have them use it to their advantage.
I push for self-expression and so when you see my students move, you will notice the signature of the Ricketts lineage of Ilustrisimo but with their own unique style and flavor.
14.) Your father, GM Christopher Ricketts made it a practice to record extensive footage of training sessions with Tatang Ilutrisimo. This archive is known and admired worldwide. How has that helped you personally in your development and understanding of the art?
My father’s archive videos of Tatang have definitely helped me understand the techniques of Ilustrisimo in a much deeper level. I may not have been born during the time that other practitioners have trained with Tatang but the old videos have been such an amazing source of knowledge that allowed me to “go back in time” and really look at the origins of the techniques and how they came to be. My father’s archives go beyond Ilustrisimo. He also has old footage in the early days of Edgar Sulite (founder of Lameco), and Mang Ben Lima (Founder of Lightning Scientific Arnis) training at my old house back in the late 80s I believe.
15.) In addition how has the library of the footage helped your students?
The archives allowed me to dissect many of the old man’s techniques in a way that will be made teachable to my students.
16.) You are gaining exposure as far as yourself and your faction. Where would you like to see this continued momentum carry you far in the future?
I would definitely love to be able to teach in different parts of the world and have more representatives that can help spread the Ricketts lineage of Ilustrisimo.
17.) Will the Ricketts faction offer any other arts? For example, will you offer Sagasa?
Yes! I do teach them Sagasa and an offshoot style of Ilustrisimo that I’ve been developing.
18.) Congrats to the birth of your son! When will he begin his training?
Thanks! He will definitely start training the moment he can stand.
19.) Any final thoughts for the FMA community?
As for the FMA community, I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to read all this and hopefully, I’ll be able to cross-train with you all one day!
- Interview with PG Brandon Ricketts of Kali Ilustrisimo - March 28, 2024
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