Breaking Down Cobra Kai Season 1-With Spoilers!
It is no secret that I really enjoyed the first season of Cobra Kai. I was thrilled to see that they not only brought the original characters back but also made a flat-out fantastic show. You can listen to a spoiler-free discussion I had with Sensei Jeremy Lesniak and Master Brendan Goodall over at whistlekick Martial Arts Radio to hear more.
Since we have until May of this year before we get to see where Cobra Kai will take its characters, I want to put down my thoughts on the first season as I watched the episodes. This will be a bit more of a stream-of-consciousness approach. While this will just be my thoughts as I watched the episodes, make sure you let me know what your thoughts are down in the comments section. I would love to have a conversation with you about the show and its characters. I will be posting the links to the previous reviews as new episode reviews are posted.
Previous Episode Reviews
If you have not seen the episode being reviewed here, please do so and then come back to this review to get involved in the discussion.
A New Day
- Gee, did I just see Robby do a one-armed handstand? I wonder if that will come in handy later? Hmm…
- As much as I would like to see Daniel and Johnny mix it up, I loved how Amanda points out how ridiculous they’re both being.
- Also, that might be the first line in the entire season that Anthony has uttered that wasn’t purely irritating.
Trouble In Paradise
- Uh oh. I don’t think Miguel is in a good frame of mind right now. He is obviously frustrated with Sam not having him meet her parents. Again, Sam passes on the opportunity to explain the situation and tries to deflect. This is so easy to fix.
- Miguel gives her a very chilly response and walks.
Peace Negotiations
- Amanda’s attempt at small talk with Johnny is hilarious. Of course, it turns into a childish airing-of-grievances between Daniel and Johnny.
- Okay, so I still don’t like Anthony, but that is now the second time where he wasn’t flat-out annoying talking to Johnny.
A Day At The Park
- Listening to Miguel get good, and terrible, advice from his friends reminds me so much of how my friends and I used to talk when we were in high school.
- Also, nobody even blinking when Hawk/Eli totally clocks one of the other Cobra Kai students is oddly funny.
- Aisha decides she is done with Yasmine and her cyber-bullying. I wonder where this is going to go with her. I like that she is growing more confident, but she is also a bit militant as well. She started out as almost a throw-away side character, but she has become one of the more fascinating stories of the show.
Car Shopping And Truth Telling
- Johnny’s reaction to being offered a Subaru Outback is totally in-character. So is him liking the Challenger.
- Daniel’s desire to be rid of Johnny in every way is quite enjoyable right now.
- Interesting how some of the plot threads from the very beginning of the show are starting to get tied up with Sam coming clean about the accident.
- Ouch, though. The hammer comes down hard.
- Well, Anthony is back to being his usual self: Annoying and pointless.
A Trip Down Memory Lane
- HA! I love the car-karaoke moment! Okay, Cobra Kai showrunners, I feel like you’ve been setting me up for this the whole time…
- I can’t get enough of this. Seeing Daniel’s old apartment building is really nice. Also, nice burn from Daniel when Johnny reminisces about kicking his ass right around the corner.
- Also, Daniel and Johnny realizing that they both have dad-issues is interesting.
A Little Shopping
- Miguel can’t get a hold of Sam (of course, she’s grounded now). Amanda is being a good mom at the moment and staying firm, but this is the worst time for this! Agh! I feel like this won’t end well…
- Anthony is back to full-troll again.
- Hawk buying alcohol and trying to be smooth is hilarious. Also, the cashier obviously doesn’t care much.
- Come on Sam! Where are your texting skills? It doesn’t take that long to crack out a quick “I’m grounded” text. Fail, Sam.
Just One Drink
- Haha! I love the awkwardness as Daniel tries to start a conversation with his childhood enemy.
- It is an interesting reflection that they both have about their father-figures being their sensei’s.
- Kind of surprised that Johnny is so honest about how sensei Kreese failed him.
Party At The Park
- I have to admit that seeing Yasmine’s reaction to her party being messed up brings me joy. Also, Kyler packing up and leaving after seeing Miguel there is priceless as well.
- Miguel is about to make things worse. Being in a bad mood and mixing alcohol rarely works out well…
The Breakout
- I honestly didn’t quite know where the whole Robby-sprained-his-ankle thing was going initially, then I remembered that he is only a recently-reformed bad boy.
- Pretty obvious that he wasn’t thinking he was breaking Sam out to go see her boyfriend. LOVE TRIANGLE!!!!!
Just One More…
- I didn’t know I needed this, but Johnny and Daniel reminiscing about Ali was definitely it!
- [Johnny]: What’s a Facebook? [Daniel]: Wow. Really, Johnny? Yes Daniel, really.
- Haha! Of course, they would agree that they both are far superior to Ali’s husband. Obviously.
Things Are Going Good, And Bad, At The Park
- Well, Miguel is getting really hammered. I’m sure that won’t be a problem at all…
- Good humor with Demetri trying to talk to Yasmine after Hawk’s “deep” philosophical education.
- I have to say that I partly enjoyed Aisha’s revenge on Yasmine, but I also felt that there is some dark foreshadowing going on as well.
- Sam, it’s nice that you realize you have made some “tactical” errors keeping your relationship a secret, but you should have told Miguel from the get-go.
- Aaaannnddd there it is. Miguel has gone dark. Damn, I hope this doesn’t last because I like his character. Obviously, Sam showing up with a dude that Miguel has already seen her near before and being blitzed-drunk doesn’t help the situation. Ugh. A day late and a dollar short, Sam.
And They Get Worse…
- I really wanted to see a Rocky III-esque fight between Daniel and Johnny, but…
- Another lie gets exposed. Robby reaps what he has sown as well.
- What’s with all of this intense drama? It’s not like there is a season finale coming up or anything… Oh.
Wrap Up
- The absolute highlight of the show was the time with Daniel and Johnny together. I loved every second of that!
- Plot threads that have been building up for a while are starting to pay off as well.
- Overall, this has been my favorite of the first season by a mile.
What did you think about this episode? Did you love the nostalgia, or the drama? Something you didn’t like? Let me know in the comments section below!
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I REALLY don’t like Sam. She is making the show practically unwatchable for me.