Breaking Down Cobra Kai Season 1-With Spoilers!
It is no secret that I really enjoyed the first season of Cobra Kai. I was thrilled to see that they not only brought the original characters back but also made a flat-out fantastic show. You can listen to a spoiler-free discussion I had with Sensei Jeremy Lesniak and Master Brendan Goodall over at whistlekick Martial Arts Radio to hear more.
Since we have until May of this year before we get to see where Cobra Kai will take its characters, I want to put down my thoughts on the first season as I watched the episodes. This will be a bit more of a stream-of-consciousness approach. While this will just be my thoughts as I watched the episodes, make sure you let me know what your thoughts are down in the comments section. I would love to have a conversation with you about the show and its characters. I will be posting the links to the previous reviews as new episode reviews are posted.
Previous Episode Reviews
If you have not seen the episode being reviewed here, please do so and then come back to this review to get involved in the discussion.
Getting the Chores Done
-The opening of this episode was fantastic, with Daniel showing Robby how to “properly” do all the chores around the dealership.
-I also loved how the show moved from the classical music they started with into the music from the original movie, as Robby learns what Daniel has actually been teaching him the whole time.
-And we cut to the Cobra Kai way of teaching, starting with punches to the face. Johnny realizes he has a room full of “flinchers” and leaves it up to Aisha to “un-flinch” them.
-I also giggled when Johnny referenced “this concussion nonsense”.
-Also, Johnny giving Miguel dating advice is just pure gold here!
A Bigger Problem
-Robby’s troublesome friends pay him a visit with their next idea for making some money: Larusso Luxury Motors.
-Robby, not being too keen on the idea, shows just how far he has moved away from his former buddies.
-Of course, like all good friends, they casually threaten him if he doesn’t come through.
Casanova Miguel
-Miguel trying to ask Sam on a date is very funny and reminds me so much of high school. Oh, the awkwardness!
-Admittedly, that was pretty smooth, asking about a non-date after getting turned down.
-Yeah, Miguel, a bike probably wouldn’t cut it.
Fighting Back Smarter
-I really liked the interaction between Miguel, Aisha, and Hawk here. It reminds me of the family-building that happens at a dojo or academy. And, wow, Hawk got a big tattoo there!
-I also really liked how Miguel continues to point out when Johnny is about to do something opposite from what he advised Miguel to do previously.
Trimming Bonsais
-I really enjoyed this scene with Daniel teaching Robby about bonsai trees. Very touching, as it referenced the original movie and what Daniel learned, and now he’s passing that on to Robby.
-Also liked the metaphor for Robby, as he will have to make a decision on what he truly wants his life to be. Especially when he gets that text from his friends highlighting the “other” direction his life can go in.
Johnny Suiting Up
-Dear god, that is an awful-looking suit! I know that Johnny is trying to look “respectable” and all, but yikes! That thing looks like it should go back to the ’80s where it belongs.
-Again, there are times when the Sensei-student relationship between Johnny and Miguel seems to switch. Miguel seems like Johnny’s “How to operate properly in today’s society” Sensei, while Johnny is Miguel’s martial arts Sensei. It is appropriate, though, in that many students end up teaching their teachers quite a bit.
-More classic dating advice from Johnny on where to “take” Sam tonight.
Golf N’ Stuff
-What a great scene, calling back to the original with the trip to Golf N’ Stuff. A lot of similar beats here with Miguel and Sam when compared to Daniel and Ali.
-Their chemistry really works throughout the scene, and they sell it well.
All Valley Board Stuff
-Letting Johnny know that Johnny was early to the AA meeting was hilarious.
-Also, the board members not knowing anything about being able to ban a dojo was funny too.
-Things got real when Johnny discovered that Daniel is a board member, though.
Robby’s Decision
-Impressive. Robby has learned something and made the tough decision to move away from his former friends, and life.
-The choreography is actually pretty good here. I know that the choreography was not always the strongest part of the original movies, but thankfully it is better in this show.
-Robby handles himself pretty well, but the numbers game finally catches up to him. However, he does get the bad guys on camera.
Back to the Non-Date
-Miguel and Sam’s banter is really good. They have great on-screen chemistry for sure.
-Gotta love the photo booth, though. Getting pretty close there, guys!
Johnny Makes His Case
-I liked that they referenced the events of The Karate Kid Part III when they explained the lifetime ban.
-Even though Daniel is right about what happened, you can tell that his hot temper is getting the best of him when the rest of the board members want to give Johnny a chance to explain himself.
-Johnny’s speech to the board was really well done, and William Zabka put just the right amount of emotion into it.
-Then Daniel really went all in and kind of came off as an ass, even though I know why he feels so strongly about Cobra Kai staying banned.
Miguel and Sam Getting Closer
-Sam challenging Miguel on his karate skills is really funny.
-Admittedly, while the show has continued to tease that Sam knows some Miyagi-Do, that takedown was unexpected and well done. However, I saw that kiss coming a mile away!
Johnny and Miguel, Riding High
-Johnny getting the good news from Daniel is a nice touch.
-I liked seeing Johnny and Miguel celebrating each other’s “victories” of the night.
-Lol, Miguel getting his first toast and not being sure about having hair in specific places was really funny.
-Overall, I really enjoyed the callbacks to the original movie early on.
-I also really enjoyed the reference to the events of the third movie. I wasn’t really sure how much they were going to make canon when this show started. Nothing against Hilary Swank, but I wonder if they are going to acknowledge the poorly done The Next Karate Kid or leave it out?
QUIET Counter-0
-I was disappointed, but the “un-flinching” made up for it a bit.
What did you think of this episode? Let me know in the comments section below!
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