The Partial Artist

The Partial Artist

October 13, 2021 Donivan Blair 0

Ever met the guy who decides, often unsolicited, to describe the many martial arts he has trained in? The person before you could be a human cornucopia of combat systems, information you would never have had if you hadn’t asked. But wait… you didn’t. You can’t stop and you won’t [Read More]

Adversity and injury

The Harder We Fall

September 8, 2021 Donivan Blair 0

Discipline, hard work, integrity spring to mind when you think of martial arts. We have been inundated with images of karateka, judoka and juijiteiro fighting adversity with sweat dripping from their body, making their Gi wet from practice, diligent in their quest for perfection. I think of wrapped fingers, bloody [Read More]

Always respect others

Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

September 6, 2021 Donivan Blair 1

Learning to Live… Again When Steven Tyler yelled in 1976 that he was back in the proverbial saddle it was without any inclination what the year 2020 was going to have in store and how hard it would be to just jump back on in ‘21. I have heard the [Read More]

What’s In A Name? That which we call Taekwondo

August 9, 2021 Donivan Blair 0

Taekwondo is translated as “the art of kicking and punching.” But what is that exactly? Yes, the translation is from the Korean language but wouldn’t ALL martial arts fit in this category? Agree with me or not, it’s just an opinion/observation. Forward all hate mail to For the past [Read More]

time to rest and relax

Take A Load Off Your Fanny

August 6, 2021 Donivan Blair 2

I met a guy once (no, it’s not THAT kind of article) at a bookstore (see?). He was a cashier at my favorite haunt in Dallas, Half Price Books. I had been perusing the martial arts section in my latest attempt to get on up, get into it and get [Read More]

Is The Grass Greener?

August 2, 2021 Donivan Blair 0

As a kid I spent hours drawing with crayons, tongue out of the side my mouth in thought, left hand cranking out masterpiece. My brain couldn’t count as high as the 48 colors in the box but I took a crack at using everyone one of the options offered on [Read More]