Friend or Friendly

August 26, 2024 Barbara McCoy Carrier 0

From friend to foe, jest to serious accountability, the semblance of humor can be a stark reality. It is a balancing act with all these variables: being self-aware, tackling imposter syndrome, and remaining in control of the environment you are creating. One must lead from the heart, in a sense, [Read More]

Timing: The Cheetah or the Concrete Hippo

August 21, 2024 Jeff Hutchings 2

“People talk about perfect timing, but I think everything is perfect in its moment; you just want to capture that.”— Eddie Huang David Gilmour’s guitar solo in ’79 on Comfortably Numb was more about timing than anything else. It was a heavy song, and he had a story to tell. [Read More]

Aging, health issues and Martial Arts.

August 15, 2024 Joseph Johnson 4

I got involved with Martial Arts at the ripe old age of 42. At the time I felt ten feet tall and bulletproof. Fast forward ten years and health issues came into play. Fast forward ten more years and aging came into play. Facing the reality that I could no [Read More]

Unlocking the Secrets of the Kubotan: Expert Insights

August 5, 2024 David Wang 0

In the ever-evolving world of self-defense, one tool has stood the test of time – the kubotan. This unassuming, yet powerful, weapon has been a staple in the arsenals of law enforcement, martial artists, and those seeking to protect themselves. The kubotan, often mistaken for a simple stick, is a [Read More]

Sports Karate Business Benefits

August 1, 2024 Andries Pruim 0

Sport Karate Business Benefits I met with Jackson Rudolph to discuss sports karate in the Olympics as I had read his Black Belt Magazine article on the benefits of bringing sports karate into your martial arts business. We were able to collaborate on an excellent article on the merits of [Read More]