Embrace the Journey

December 30, 2021 Elke Weiss 0

January 2nd, 2022, I mark four years of Krav Maga. Even though I’m currently training Ju-Jitsu, because I can’t do striking with an injured shoulder, I will always be a Krav Maga person at my heart because it was the gateway to this incredible world of martial arts. I think [Read More]

An Instructor Finds His Place

December 28, 2021 Raz Chen 2

  After my training, I was so excited to get my Instructor pin and return to my unit. My dream had finally come true. Well, at least it felt that way until I actually returned to base. When I returned to my troop, they were stationed in a fairly dangerous [Read More]

Does Lineage Matter?

December 15, 2021 Steve Grogan 1

Introduction Lineage is a touchy subject, for many people. As a Wing Chun practitioner, I can tell you that when people hear I do Wing Chun, 99% of the time their first question is: “What lineage do you study?” That inquiry was usually followed by, “Who was your Sifu?” This [Read More]

Can You Be Addicted to Your Martial Art?

December 6, 2021 Melanie Gibson 1

Several years ago, during a low period in my life, I wondered if taekwondo had become yet another addiction. I’ve been addicted to many things: people, exercise, food, alcohol, thought patterns, and coping mechanisms. Taekwondo had been a saving force in overcoming the worst of my mental illnesses. Of course [Read More]