Crab Mentality

The Crab-Mentality In The Martial Arts

January 31, 2019 Scott Bolon 1

Don’t Be A Crab I recently read an article on Fatherly entitled “Everything You Need to Know About Martial Arts Before Signing Your Kid Up”. I came away in a very conflicted mindset after reading the article. Overall, I think the article itself is actually fairly decent. It relays some [Read More]

NAWA: A Native American Warrior Art

January 8, 2019 Bethany Dillon 9

“The warrior is not someone who fights, because no one has the right to take another’s life. The warrior, for us, is one who sacrifices himself for the good of others.” ~ Sitting Bull.   First Things First A lot of people who think of martial arts think of the [Read More]

Man, I’d Hate to Meet YOU in a Dark Alley!

January 3, 2019 Jeff Westfall 3

If you’ve been training in the martial arts for more than a little while, you have probably had awkward interactions with other people when they found out about your martial arts “habit.”  I’ve been practicing a variety of fighting arts for forty seven years, and I can tell you that [Read More]

Indian Clubs

Indian Clubs For Shoulder Mobility

January 2, 2019 Anna Gruszczynska 4

How Using Indian Clubs Can Improve Shoulder Mobility Many of us live a sedentary lifestyle. We sit at a desk, drive, and watch TV on the couch. Many suffer the upper crossed syndrome, a posture where your head leans forward, your shoulders round, and your muscles become too tight and [Read More]

Developing a moral framework

Meditating to Engage Violence

January 1, 2019 Rob Domaschuk 3

Violence – My Perspective I’ve come to believe two things about violence: it is fluid in nature and it is morally neutral. I don’t think I’ll get much pushback about violence being fluid. After all, almost all of us train in dealing with any number of unpredictable scenarios. There’s a [Read More]