New Kid

Welcoming the New Kid

June 30, 2018 Camille Woodthorpe 2

You walk into your dojo, take off your shoes, bow at the mats and place your bags down, greeting all the familiar faces. You had a long day at work and almost had to convince yourself to come, but now that you’re finally here you feel ready to work hard. [Read More]

Cobra Kai-EP2 Strike First

Cobra Kai Season Review: Ep. 2 “Strike First”

June 29, 2018 Scott Bolon 1

Breaking Down Cobra Kai, Season 1-With Spoilers! It is no secret that I really enjoyed the first season of Cobra Kai. I was thrilled to see that they not only brought the original characters back but also made a flat-out fantastic show! You can listen to a spoiler-free discussion I had with [Read More]


Positivity in the Martial Arts-06/28/2018

June 28, 2018 Scott Bolon 1

Even Iron Fist Can’t Punch Through Positivity This weekly post highlights positivity in the martial arts from around the world. Unfortunately, it is far too easy to find negative stories on the internet. Positive ones, however, are harder to find. Let’s recognize and celebrate those martial artists and schools who are [Read More]

Positivity-Happy Face

Positivity in the Martial Arts-06/21/2018

June 21, 2018 Scott Bolon 1

Build Your House On A Foundation Of Positivity This weekly post highlights positivity in the martial arts from around the world. Unfortunately, it is far too easy to find negative stories on the internet. Positive ones, however, are harder to find. Let’s recognize and celebrate those martial artists and schools who [Read More]

Words of Wisdom

June 16, 2018 Craig Wharem 0

The dojo has always been a place of profound wisdom, incredible perseverance and some of the best life lessons that I’ve ever learned. I believe that the true power in martial arts comes from reading between the lines of your training and learning the metaphors for life. Challenges in life [Read More]

Positivity-stay positive

Positivity in the Martial Arts-06/14/18

June 14, 2018 Scott Bolon 1

Are The Incredibles Using The Power Of Positivity? This weekly post highlights positivity in the martial arts from around the world. Unfortunately, it is far too easy to find negative stories on the internet. Positive ones, however, are harder to find. Let’s recognize and celebrate those martial artists and schools who [Read More]

Legacy and Lineage in Karate

Legacy – What Are We Leaving Behind?

June 9, 2018 Rob Domaschuk 0

What does legacy mean? Maybe it’s the fact that I am rapidly closing in on 50 and having to not only accept my mortality, but having to admit that I’m almost certainly closer to the date of my death than the date of my birth. Either way, I find myself often [Read More]

Cobra Kai-Ace Degenerate

Cobra Kai Season Review: Ep. 1 Ace Degenerate

June 8, 2018 Scott Bolon 9

Breaking Down Cobra Kai, Season 1-With Spoilers! It is no secret that I really enjoyed the first season of Cobra Kai. I was thrilled to see that they not only brought the original characters back but also made a flat-out fantastic show! You can listen to a spoiler-free discussion I had [Read More]


Positivity in the Martial Arts-06/07/2018

June 7, 2018 Scott Bolon 1

Breathe In The Positivity This weekly post highlights positivity in the martial arts from around the world. Unfortunately, it is far too easy to find negative stories on the internet. Positive ones, however, are harder to find. Let’s recognize and celebrate those martial artists and schools who are doing good things [Read More]

Mortal Kombat – It’s Movie Time

June 6, 2018 Brendan Goodall 0

I know I said that the Jackie Chan film Skiptrace would be the next film that I reviewed. But I had a strong urge to rewatch one of my favorite martial arts movies: Mortal Kombat. I’ve been a fan of Mortal Kombat, from the games to the movies since childhood. [Read More]

A Tribe Called Martial Arts

A Tribe Called Martial Arts

June 3, 2018 Jaredd Wilson 2

Everyone wants to be included into a group. It’s part of human nature. Even those who don’t fit into the “mainstream” society create their own groups to belong to. It used to be (way back in the 90’s) that comic books weren’t considered cool. I hid my comic books from [Read More]

3 Ways Martial Arts Can Improve the World

3 Ways Martial Arts Can Improve the World

June 2, 2018 Andrea Harkins 0

Today’s world is full of strife and difficulties. We cannot always control what happens around us. What we can control is what happens inside of us, and martial arts play a significant role in allowing us to live positive, powerful and productive lives. Here are three ways that martial arts [Read More]